Disruptive Wellness Platform For Health Clubs Chain

A Health & Wellness analytics company providing a disruptive All-in-One wellness platform for health clubs, which is being used by leading fitness club chains in Oregon, California, etc. It is a web and branded mobile app for fitness clubs that in addition to providing lots of novel features, replaces 5 products that most of the large American fitness clubs are using and paying for.

Client Communication Platform for Trainer/Dietitian/Coach

Trainer and dietitians can design and assign plans to their clients right from their laptop while clients can follow it on their phone. They can also log into the system what they are eating and which exercise they are doing. Plus, the app gets data automatically from various sources such as Apple HealthKit. Then trainer/dietitian can check logs and statistical reports (generated by the web app) on their laptop and do changes in the plan accordingly. Right now, all this is done on some paper cards or booklets.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPtrainer

Push Notifications for Target Audience reach

This disruptive wellness platform for health clubs provides an exciting feature like the push notifications to target members based on their interest or demographic criteria like age or sex, and send them advertisement or informational messages, photos or videos. This can help in expanding the scope of the platform and is an excellent way for advertising and marketing it to the potential audience.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPpush

E-Commerce platform for members

The app offers an E-Commerce marketplace for members to easily hire trainers/instructors, purchase products or services, enroll for classes etc. Trainers can also chart out personalized plans/deals and offer them for sale to members. Clubs can offer discounted prices for classes, trainings etc during a lull period.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWWPecommerce

Staff and Classes management

A big fitness club usually has 100+ part-time / full-time professionals associated with them who take group classes, personal training sessions and group sessions. With 100s of various types of classes running every week, things such as change in schedule, temporary substitution of instructor, permanent change in instructor, etc. is very common. Managing all this and making sure customer-facing data is automatically updated, besides being well organized is a challenge. Disruptive Wellness Platform For Health Clubs Chain software makes all of this very smooth.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPclasses


We have made a blend of social networking features from websites such as Facebook and features provided by online forums to make “fitness networking” where everybody in the fitness clubs (CEO, management, trainers, dietitians, coaches, members) can stay connected with each other. There are so many features such as sticky posts, ability for coach to form private groups - one for each of his group of clients who take training together and communicate with them by posting messages, articles, videos, pictures (while coach, his manager or club manager having complete visibility and control over what’s going on).

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPfeeds

Reviews and Testimonials

Existing members and buyers can rate and review trainers/instructors regarding their services,training methods,products etc which helps potential members or buyers make informed decisions based on the testimonials. This establishes a bond of trust between the club and members because of the honesty and transparency the club offers. Based on client feedback, the club can plan and make the necessary improvements and enhancements.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPreviews

3rd party integration

We have integrated this product with 16 other products such as Google Calendar, Facebook, Apple HealthKit, ABC Financial, SmartPin, MixPanel, health monitoring devices, etc.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWP3rdparty

Rich Club Analytics

Data Analysis regarding the clubs with various charts and graphs providing accurate and useful data and information regarding your clubs. Information like trending exercise regime, most used and bought products and services, most effective trainers, understanding member goals to provide them relevant services etc can be fetched using reports to analyze and improve the credibility of the club and come up with additional features or make future decisions.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPanalytics

Other Multiple Features

The platform also offers multiple unique features like a personal workout tracker, branded customization of look and feel, marketing page for members to advertise it to their social circle, social network within the club for like minded members etc. The wellness platform is ahead of all its competitors like Netpulse, Virtuagym, Fitmetrix etc as it is an All-in-one, integrated, unique and complete fitness app.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPfeatures

Multi-tenant Database Architecture

This product is used by multiple fitness club and keeping data of each fitness club well separated from each other is very important. But deploying and maintaining a separate server for each fitness club is not practical. With 100s of tables in the MySQL database, it’s very difficult to keep data of multiple fitness clubs separate. To address this issue, we have implemented multi-tenant database architecture.

Top remote Web and Mobile development company in Pune India DWPdatabase

Straight From the Horses' Mouth

An All-in-One, integrated software used by one of the esteemed clients of the Wellness program ,The Claremont Club, a pioneer and leader in the Health Industry, having health clubs chain across the US. The App that provides multiple services and features, all at one place can be used by members and non-members alike.